Wednesday 24 April 2013


Sadly me and Oliver have broken up, Georgia and Kyle ended it to! Me and olly are still friends! Hopefully I'll find a nice boyfriend in secondary at least I can concentrate on my art.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Gravity Falls

So it's me megie I have not written in ages! So something that I've heard a lot of you like is Disney XDS Gravity Falls! I have watched it and it is so funny!!! I especially like Mable as she is so crazy! Gruncle Stan is apparently not what he seems.

 “Gruncle Stan = Slender man. In the first episode the code at the end says,”Stan is not what he seems.”  Slender man appears, disappears, and wheres a nice suit.  In the theme song Stan does just that while wearing a nice suit.  Coincidence, I think not.” 
Do you think it is true?

Monday 1 April 2013

1st April 2013 8:07pm Hello guys!Normally,I sleep at my Grandma's house on a Wednesday... but, Megan is sleeping round my house this Wednesday, so I'm sleeping today;Monday.This is my re-count on the night so far... So, it's around 4:00pm, I've just arrived at my Grandma's my pyjamas!Lexie had beat me to it though (Lexie is my little 7 year old cousin,she always sleeps at Grandma's on Mondays.)We talked for a while - until Jayne (my Auntie)had left,she said her good-byes and travelled accross many seas to end up......around the corner (at her house!)When she had reached her destination, we switched the television on and watched a film about some robots (I quite liked that film!)Afterwards, Grandma made her own 'home-made takeaway:'chicken nuggets,chips and hot-dogs in buns.Yum! As we love gadgets, I brought my Galaxy Tab (that Lexie's currently playing on) from upstairs, then played on them for a while.At the moment, we are watching a programme about Dads just standing there while the Mams have all the babies...well,me and Grandma are - Lexie doesn't know about 'it' yet! Well I hope you lot of 'blogaddicts' thoroughly enjoyed reading this, because I thoroughly enjoyed writing this!Good-bye all!Thank-you for reading this. Au-revoir Monamies: Georgia ;

Monday 25 February 2013

My drawings

Hiya it's me, Megie! So I'm a really desparate to show YOU my drawings. I draw Disney, as I want to be a Disney cartoonist and design the outfits for the characters; if this doesn't work out I want to work as a character in Disney. Some are not Disney.
Hey guys, it's Georgia you know,the BRIT Awards wasn't that long ago (this is the BRIT awards in 2013.) Anyway, here's the award line-up...

Award:                                                                             Winner:                                                
British Male Solo Artist                                                   Ben Howard                                           
British Beakthrough Act                                                  Ben Howard                                           
British Female Solo Artist                                               Emily Sande                                           
British Group                                                                   Mumford and Sons                                
British Live Act                                                               Coldplay                                                 
Critics' Choice Award                                                      Tom Odell                                              
International Female Solo Artist                                      Lana Del Ray                                          
International Group                                                          The Black Keys                                       
British Producer Of The Year                                          Paul Epworth                                           
Mastercard British Album Of The Year                           Emily Sande-Our Version Of Events      
International Male Solo Artist                                           Frank Ocean                                           
British Single                                                                    Adele-Skyfall                                          

So, there you go... I really hope that that helped.
Also, congratulations to all of the winners at the BRIT awards 2013!!!! 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Lil bro

Hiya it's Megan  that's my lil bro.
Oliver YES, Ihave a bro with the same name as my bf  He's 2